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  • Writer's pictureAzeez

Chatgbt and I

I didn’t know about Chatgbt until recently. When it first came out last year, it didn’t come on my radar and I only knew about it from random articles I came across. I became more aware of it when I saw the south park episode on it. The boys couldn’t be arsed to chat with their babes and they had chatgbt replying to the girls...if you are a fan of Southpark you can see how that will be hilarious. If you are not there is no point explaining the joke. But that episode opened my eyes and the first thought that came to my head was “Writers are fucked”. It's a good thing I am not a writer then.

I didn’t give it any more thought after that, because like I said, I am not a writer, my job is safe...for now. I saw a few headlines that brought it back to my awareness. Something about AI spiraling out of control and fucking up everything, because things are not as fucked as they can be already. (I have to give it to our species though, it is almost guaranteed that we are gonna kill ourselves and now we have multiple options to achieve it...climate change, nuclear war, covid-like pandemic, because you know there will be another pandemic, and now A.I)

Where was I?

I decided to give Chatgbt a go after I went to a conference for work a couple of months ago. There was a lot of focus on data and AI and how AI is the future and there is no getting away from it. The birth of emails was used as an example of how game-changing the advancement of AI will be. As I was listening to the keynote speakers all I could hear was them giving me the permission to use Chatgbt with impunity.

If used properly AI can be used for technical project management activities giving you more time to focus on the soft skills and human element of project management, something AI can not replace

My head: If you are still writing your own emails and reports you are dulling. In fact, the first question you should ask when you log on in the morning is “How can I delegate my tasks to Chatgbt”.

I couldn’t wait to try it out the next day at work, my colleague who was at the conference with me didn’t know a lot about Chatgbt so she was on the fence. I on the other hand saw that south park episode and didn't need more convincing. I couldn’t stop laughing that morning when I copied her in an email I sent out that morning and she pinged me on teams



Ok I am in!!

That is why I am not overly worried about Chatgbt replacing my blog posts for example. My colleague read one email I sent and she knew I didn’t compose it. There is something mechanical about the way it writes, I can’t explain it but it lacks that nuance and small bit of imperfection that gives a message...I wanna say soul...It is too perfect. I gave it an instruction “Write a paragraph for my project update report, the key points are x, y, and z” Chatgbt came back with an epistle, making the project sounds like it is going phenomenally well.

Shuu, na me do all these wey una write.

I ended up having to dumb down the report because no project is going that smoothly.

I asked it to write an agenda for a supplier kick-off meeting that is only gonna last an hour and chatgbt gave me an agenda that can only be covered over a 2 full days workshop!

Guy calm down, I said key agenda items!!

I put Tiwa on it as well and that transformed the way she works. She is on a similar career path as mine and there is a lot of politics at her place of work, she basically replaced her input with Chatgbts and she has not looked back since.

I should point out that when I say chatgbt I mean the one from Open AI, not Bing AI or Bard. I compared the three of them and Open AI was by far the best for what I want it to do. I told Bing to draft an email for me with some key points and this fucker copied my answer and moved words around and gave it as an answer. Open AI gave me a thesis.

I feel bad for people in the writing profession though, I remember a few years back when I was on the job market and I paid for a professional CV writing service. I can’t tell you how excited I am to update my CV with the help of Chatgbt now, I can even afford to apply for the roles that ask for a cover letter as well! It is the recruiters I pity because they will have to sift through CVs that are all of similar quality and the same lies. Although I am sure that soon enough there will be an app that can detect if something was written by AI or na.

Another assumption that I have made is that everyone online that are giving unsolicited advice and motivational quotes are chatgbt-ing it.

I have embraced AI sha, and I am not going back, I think it is too late for me because I got a notification error when I was writing a report last week and I was so stressed out, I was this close to paying for chatgbt-plus, I had to use Bing AI as a backup and that one was so useless that I had to write the report myself like a caveman! I know it’s a matter of time before I pay for the plus version because I want all the functionalities that it has to offer.

And even though I said I can’t use it to write because it will be so different from my usual style, I can ask for motivation…ideas etc…this is life-changing yall!

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